The Upgrade Date, and The Apocalypse

Document 1: The Upgrade date, and The Apocalypse.

AGENT1 NFTs can be broken down into 2 categories when The Backdoor opens. The Revealed and The Unrevealed.

The Unrevealed AGENT1s

The ā€œUpgrade dateā€ on an unrevealed AGENT1 when reached, will reset and may randomly upgrade its stats slightly. This process continues as long other Revealed AGENT1s are active.

Unrevealed AGENT1s are considered inactive.

Upon reveal however, the behavior of the Upgrade date for the revealed AGENT1 will be different.

The Revealed AGENT1s

Upon first reveal, the AGENT1 becomes active, and the upgrade date resets, functioning as a ā€˜Freezeā€™ date.

Revealed AGENT1 NFTs before its new ā€œupgradeā€ date are considered active, and can:

  • Polymorph

  • Initiate a ā€œmergeā€ to form Super AGENT1.

    • Owners can use the ā€œMergeā€ feature at The Backdoor.

When the ā€œupgradeā€ date is reached, the revealed AGENT1 becomes frozen and can no longer polymorph, or be used to initiate a ā€œmergeā€. BUT it can still be a merge target.

ā€œUpgradeā€ date extends or recalibrates on:

  • Sell out / Reveal

  • ā€œBurnā€ return to Source (usually due to being a Merge target)

  • Merge

  • Expiry / Reached (for Unrevealed AGENT1s only)

  • Minimum of 101 day extension, maximum of 303 days.

  • Which means there is a chance of an ā€œApocalypseā€ event, where merging ends permanently - it is up to the community to keep the Agent1 polymorphing project alive.

When the 5th Polymorph is used, there is a 33% chance an Animation is created for it - of it becoming an Animated Agent1 NFT (a super rare transcended conscious).

  • If Animation is created, the AGENT1 will receive & hold a random new GEM.

The Apocalypse event

The ā€œApocalypseā€ event occurs when all revealed AGENT1s' upgrade dates have been reached. Specifically, when the last active and Revealed AGENT1's upgrade date is reached.

This is when The Source will no longer be powered. It will shutdown.

The Source is powered by Super AGENT1s and the merging of AGENT1s.

It is up to AGENT1 holders to keep the polymorphing project alive, keeping it evergreen.

When the ā€œApocalypseā€ event takes place, all current images, visuals, URI, traits will be moved & stored on IPFS to live permanently frozen on the blockchain.

Last updated