What are MOONTOWNs?
Learn more about MOONTOWNs in JericVerse.
A MOONTOWN is a group of 1x1 MOONLANDs that have been merged together into a larger parcel.
Typically, MOONTOWNs come in sizes of 3x3, 6x6, 11x11 and 21x21.
MOONTOWNs can either be bought readily-assembled. Or they can be created by merging 1x1 MOONLANDs that are adjacent to each other.
What sizes do MOONTOWNs come in?
Can I form a MOONTOWN with multiple 1x1 MOONLANDs?
Yes, MOONTOWNs can be formed by combining 1x1 MOONLANDs together, as long as they are adjacent to each other.
Can I split a large MOONTOWN into a smaller MOONTOWN or 1x1 MOONLANDs?
Yes. MOONTOWNs can be split into smaller sizes or even into individual 1x1 MOONLANDs.
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