What is CREE used for?
Take a look at all the exciting things $CREE can be used for.
$CREE can be used for many exciting things, including but not limited to:
Accessing the JericVerse: Players spend $CREE in order to obtain the required AGENT1 NFTs to enter the game, buy CREE MACHINEs, MOONLANDs, CYBORGs, BUILDINGs, launch events, create Characters, concerts etc. Collectors spend $CREE to acquire ART, MOONLANDs, and BUILDINGs. MOONLAND Sale Events drive demand for $CREE to purchase MOONLANDs. Artists spend $CREE to mint new ITEMs, Characters, ART or MUSIC. They can upgrade their minted ART and MUSIC Rarity and Value by staking/displaying them in the Moon Gallery, or adding GEM/INSPIRATION to them.
AI Tools and Business: As we develop more AI tools that improves your productivity, business and creativity, you can be sure to access them before others at https://creebank.org
Voting power: The amount of $CREE you hold also allows you to vote in community decisions for the JericVerse platform and games. Votes usually run and store results on the blockchain.
Staking: $CREE allows for staking. Players earn $CREE, Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), USD (USDT) while staking. They also earn INSPIRATION required to create new ITEMs, ART and MUSIC.
Transaction costs (within JericVerse) = 6% of all transaction volume carried out in $CREE tokens (Transaction Fees) shall be allocated with 50% to the "VAULT" as rewards for all players in JericVerse, and 50% to the "TEAM" to support the development of the JericVerse ecosystem.
VAULT: The role of the VAULT is to support the ecosystem of JericVerse, offering grants to incentivize high quality content & production on the platform. The VAULT will grant ARTISTS to produce NFTs for the world, and reward Players for participation in the project. The overall valuation of the Moonlanders.game grows through the valuation of all gameplay, MOONLAND and Mooncities created and funded by the VAULT, creating an ecosystem that can run itself perpetually.
Medium of exchange
$CREE is the medium of exchange in the JericVerse ecosystem. It is necessary for making purchases from JericVerse marketplace. It is run by a separate entity (find out more about its latest developments at CREEBank.org and its whitepaper). $CREE is required to purchase:
CREE Minerals
NFTs & Upgrades
$CREE holders will be able to participate in the governance of the JericVerse MOONLANDs, and/or its community projects.
Selling Your MOONLANDs and NFTs
A combination of $CREE and CREE Minerals are required in order to put your MOONLANDs and NFTs up for sale in the JericVerse marketplace.
$CREE can be staked into a liquidity mining pool (CREE Pool) for rewards. Users can also consider the products & services at CREEBank.org and its whitepaper, when considering other incentives.
Playing the JericVerse Games
All JericVerse games are free-to-play. For rewards and earning opportunities, AGENT1 NFTs are required. Users can also rent CYBORGs using $CREE or FIAT to play a limited time, to attend events, concerts, listen to music or watch films.
Users without AGENT1 NFTs can play a limited version of the game for free.
Collab-To-Grow, Collab-To-Earn
Players in crypto-enabled regions can earn CREE Minerals to exchange for $CREE by playing games! However, the game and story grows deeper through team-work and collaborations, so we think Collab-To-Grow, Collab-to-Earn is a better description.
Hiring "helpers" in the game
You can hire friends or strangers to take care of your MOONLANDs and MOONPARKs using CREE Minerals. (Clear junk from Human Visitors etc)
Events, Competitions & Concerts
CREE Minerals can be won and used during competitions, events and concerts in JericVerse.
In summary, you usually spend $CREE & earn CREE Minerals (which you can exchange for $CREE via CREE Emitters / CREEPOUCHes)
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