Industry & Goals

JericVerse is building in the AI, Arts, Entertainment, MMORPG Game, Marketplace, AI Art Tooling industry vertical.

We cater to and target the new and old users, providing them with innovative experiences in a safe community.

Every release and updates add value not only to users' collections, but also empower them with tools to grow, create and build in the space.

Our community users have enjoyed our productions, learned new skills, and continue to support our developments.

We produce digital/physical collectibles, NFTs and traditional art, music, film & games. We are a media production & entertainment company. We cater to not just Web 3.0, but also traditional-medium users, so everyone, from every country/region can experience the things we build.

Problem Solving

The problem with the current crypto, NFT and digital collection space is that it is filled with unsatisfying collections.

Most collections being pure art & PFPs. While there is nothing wrong with that, we think we can do better.

JericVerse aims to provide more than just images. Our releases are dynamic, innovative and designed to be evergreen. They are not just images, but rather evolving and Living collectibles that will learn and grow with their collectors/owners.

The project is designed to grow with the community, onboarding new and old users in the space. There will always be something more to find if they dig deeper. This is how JericVerse aims to solve the lack of innovation at this time in the crypto space.

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